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John Wood left the pieces of a broken civilisation behind, to go back to his roots in the woodland, after a virus pandemic struck the world. Residing in a simple cabin, he only wants peace and to live in harmony with nature. Coming from a long line of timber men, he joined the army and served as a soldier for many years. Rebelling against his superiors for killing civilians under martial law. John feels he got his own wife killed when saving hundreds of innocent civilians from certain death. His wife executed point blank as retribution for John's disobedience and supposed heroic acts. Now, a young woman named Maria Johnson has escaped a pandemic research lab. She's been part of experiments to find a cure for the still raging virus. Carrying the potential cure in her blood, she is hunted by profiteers and mercenaries who knows her secret. Coming upon John's cabin in the woods, Maria is instinctively taken into shelter by John. He wants her to recover fast and leave, but by learning her...最后一个电视剧免费观看,最后一个电视剧,最后一个电影,最后一个电视剧在线观看,最后一个电视剧在线观看全集,最后一个电视剧剧情介绍,策驰影院 电视剧免费,最后一个电视剧免费观看,最后一个电视剧全集免费播放,最后一个电视剧免费全集在线观看,最后一个电视剧免费观看全集完整版,最后一个电视剧全集在线观看


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